February 22, 2009

Pursuit of Trivia

After an unsuccessful hunt for a hula hoop - an item which I believe will both provide me with endless satisfaction as well as rock-hard abs - on Friday, my mom, Little One and I decided we needed a board game. Last night, after admiring our still-in-the-plastic purchase for two days, we sat down to a not so intense game of Trivial Pursuit. The only saving grace to this activity was that it was not on a Friday night (give me SOME credit). My dad was supposed to join us so we could play teams (parents vs. kiddies), but he was feeling slightly under the weather. I think he may have just been resting up for his birthday festivities today (hi Dad! happy birthday!), but that's something we'll never know.

My mom and Little One, being Trivial Pursuit novices, got a thirty-second refresher course and off we went. Of course, my mother, being the public figure that she is, received about 4,907,843 phone calls in the first five minutes of the game, and quickly abandoned her puzzle piece and went off to...I don't know...end world hunger or save the whales or something. This left Little One and I to finish the game by ourselves. We seem to have picked up a 'more British than you could ever imagine' version of the game, and with the relatively little knowledge we have of English history/athletes/odd drinking games, we got creative with our clue-giving. Examples include:
  • Think...that random Seinfeld quote from 30 Rock I'm always saying
  • Rihanna's from there (My dad (after he'd woken up): Germany!)
  • They ruled the Congo at one point (Me: Switzerland?)
  • Sounds like "The Shmeatles"
With all the "assistance," Little One ended up winning. This game has taught me so much in so little time. One, that I should never look to Little One at times when cheating is desperately needed, and two, that I'm not above reading and memorizing every one of the four hundred cards that came with this game so as to win each and every time I play again. So there.


Unknown said...

Your parents are fun... mine sit around and fall asleep on the sofa..

Anonymous said...

what?! i helped you cheat on like every question!

the internet knows when you're lying.

Forsoothsayer said...

dude, how u could buy trivpur without consulting me? don't u know of my detailed research and 2 year search before i got mine?? well, serves u right.
the one i have is fucking hard. u ever played it?