December 28, 2008

Hello Early '90s. Nice to See You Again.

As if going back to work in the morning after a week off wasn't painful enough, I've been told that my car license has not been renewed, rendering Napoleon useless for a few days. I'll be using my aunt's car to schlep my rear around - a car whose radio refuses to work (GASP!). I'm a big fan of listening to the eff-ery that pollutes the airwaves - mainly as a source for extreme mockery and eye rolling - so I have no idea what tomorrow has in store. London Cousin, trying to help, made a few suggestions. See conversation:

London Cousin: Well, there's a tape deck. Do you have any tapes lying around?
Me: Seriously? Did you just hear the words that came out of your mouth?

True, he only JUST joined Facebook yesterday, but has he no clue that the world has progressed beyond the audio cassette? I don't know whether to spend the drive to work cursing the evil French men and women that made this joke of a car, or make mental notes of progresses our fine planet has seen in the past roughly twenty years or so. Who knows if I'll have enough energy left to do my job afterward.


Forsoothsayer said...

hey ppl still have tapes! my sister has them in her car. there's a dude on my st selling used agnabi tapes 3 for 15 pounds, i'll get u something with the word "bitches" or "shorty" in.

Anonymous said...