September 15, 2008

Labor Pains

Mom: Ahh...what a trip.
Me: What trip would that be in reference to, Mom?
Mom: Life.

This exchange happened a few weeks ago on a relatively normal evening in with my family. Clearly my mother's social, personal and professional life is leaps ahead of mine. You'd think conversations like this were few and far between in my household - what with Egyptian born and raised parents (and their disappointing-uber Western children) - but unfortunately (fortunately?), such is not the case. I have now made it my duty to share these, and other things on my mind grapes, with those who happen to be so brave as to continue reading.

This blog has been a long time coming. Well, long as in a couple weeks. Ideas have been prancing around in my mind like little sugar plum fairies (mostly at 2 am when I'm laying awake in bed unable to sleep on account of the minute levels of caffeine in the green tea I had six hours earlier), and they're finally seeing the light. Whether these ideas will be of any interest to anyone on the Interwebs is questionable, but I don't know if I'm ready to face the harsh reality of that just yet. Humor me (but don't hold your breath) and pretend you're interested. It may get better.

N.B. My sister has been objecting to this post, complaining that she isn't a "disappointment." You'd think in her wise, almost-18 years, she would have figured out that I tend to exaggerate. A lot. Sorry sissy-poo.


Eureka said...

They interest meeeee!

Keep 'em coming Grape.

The Bedouin Project said...

I think you should devote an entry to a particular episode with a warm cup which you thought contained cold water but didn't. Wait, did I just ruin the end?