December 31, 2008

Hitting too close to home

New York Magazine runs a weekly column of New Yorkers diary documenting their relationship successes and mishaps. Apparently I wrote this week's column without knowing...

7:32 a.m.: As punishment for not trying to see me between then and now, I decide to tease him with a killer outfit. Looking perfect would be too obvious, but I leave the apartment pretty pleased with myself.

11:30 a.m.: Last time I cared how a specific guy thought I looked was for a frat boy my junior year of college. Usually I make a point of deleting guys' phone numbers at the smallest sign they're not perfect; co-worker is shockingly still in my contact list. This must be love.

11:47 a.m.: Remind myself not to let my crazy out just yet … want him to feel the same way about me first.
1:30 p.m.: Arrive at company meeting. He sits behind me, so I make whispered jokes to girl co-workers so he knows I am not only sexy but hilarious as well.

This last entry is something I would totally do. Is this something I shouldn't be admitting?


Eureka said...

Funny how we read the same thing today and had the same thought!

What can I say, great minds.

Anonymous said...

'Remind myself not to let my crazy out just yet … want him to feel the same way about me first.'

wow, that's exactly why i keep seeing a yellow and black sticker that says please 'keep 200 ft back' on every egyptian girl's behind.....

very skilled at hiding their crazy---what u see is never what you get...

Forsoothsayer said...

i certainly do the last...and i don't think i've suppressed crazy successfully.

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