December 2, 2008

Long Term Goals

I've come to the conclusion that I need one of two things: a) a talent, or b) a hobby. Whichever comes first really. I'm going to a "concert" (maybe more of a show?) tonight and it has me thinking that I need to be doing something where people can say, "Hey, you know her? She's GREAT at [insert something awesome here]." I'm quite good at eating, but you never heard anyone say, "Wow, you should SEE how she twirls that spaghetti!" Suggestions welcome and encouraged.

Also, if you look to the right, you'll see that I've now started using Twitter. In addition to having this blog to distract me from doing my actual job, I have this little service to thank for keeping me up at night thinking of witty one-liners. As much as I'd like to believe though, I'm pretty sure this won't qualify as my hobby.


Anonymous said...

do you cook? usually hobbies stem from the things we love to do... in your case, i'm assuming one of those things is eating :)

Anonymous said...

me too re!

thingsonmymindgrapes said...

I have no desire to ever cook. Ever. The best thing about being a food-eating enthusiast is just that: the eating!

Unknown said...

Your hobby is cleanliness...