August 16, 2009

Egypt. Women. Marriage. Insanity.

I went to the official wedding ceremony of one of my coworkers last night, and as happy as I wanted to be for the guy, there were a few things standing in the way. First, the mosque was LITERALLY (some would say 'figuratively' would be a better word choice here, I disagree) four days away from my house. Second, the guy didn't crack a smile the whole way through. And finally, in his speech about what makes a good wife, the sheikh offered this pearl of wisdom:

"If a wife wakes up, gets dressed and leaves the house before her husband wakes up, she was not brought up well and has no manners."

REALLY NOW? Needless to say, this did not go over well with the ten development practitioners I was sitting in the middle of.

And you want to know the worst part? Someone asked me if they could have my piece of chocolate. And I said yes.


Anonymous said...

Those sheikhs rarely speak about wives' rights in ceremonies, their manhood overpowers them or something.

Could've you said No? Those don't take no for an answer, I reckon.

Anonymous said...

Poor bride. Poor guy. And, most of all, poor you. You deserved that piece of chocolate.
- YY

Polka Dotted said...

1st why didnt the guy smile all the way ??? was he forced or something ?? :D

2nd... what an advice !! especially when we work and they don't

yalla mesh mohem