August 27, 2009

Where I've been

I haven't been posting much here, and for good reason. Here's a list of things that have kept me away from this precious blog for the past while:

1. Ramadan: Not being able to eat three to twelve meals a day has really cut down on my brain activity/finger strength.

2. Work: I was taking planes, trains and automobiles (minus the planes) around Egypt last week for work. Let me tell you, walking into your house at 9 pm after being in the filthiest mango market you've ever seen is not inspiring.

3. My birthday: On Sunday, I turn Old. This is causing me much stress and gray hair. Send presents. It'll help.


Anonymous said...

Work patrols. Yuck.

I saw you whacking a 23 yr old follower of yours on twitter so I'm guessing having a 22 yr old one will help?

Wait a minute. Does that mean I'll be whacked?

I'm August too, not that it'll make me any older.

Anyway, I wish you a happy birthday :)

Polka Dotted said...

lol @ the number of meals u usually eat :D well God help u with the rest of the fasting days...

Work sucks... everywhere... anyhow

and Happy Birthday... turning old means turning wise.. or at least we try convincing ourselves with such :D