June 7, 2009

Sister, Sister

Me: Little One! Come sit in the room with me!

Little One: Okay! What will we do?

Me: I don't know, talk?

Little One: UGH.

Seriously, Little One? It's not like I was going to teach you how to twirl a baton (which, by the way, would be AWE-SOME) or roll your eyes so hard that you hurt the back of your neck. I mean, we have to leave some things until you're older.


Danooshi said...

That is hilarious!
I have the same issue with my sister but my sister doesn't go Ugh if i want to talk to her....

Sorry i think your sister doesn't love you as much as my sister loves me!


Anonymous said...

Make like a Yousry and lure your sibling into your room with promises of new music/movies. It works!
YY :)

thingsonmymindgrapes said...

Danooshi: Little One loves me (I think). She just likes her computer more.

YY: My sister HATES my music and I don't watch movies! Lose/lose situation on our hands here. Might try to lure her into my room with my feminine wiles to see if it works. Not sure if I really want to see the result of that though...