June 1, 2009


I'm a whiner (not to be confused with 'winner,' of which I also am, but that's neither here nor there). Roonies has earned the righteous title of Master Complainer, but I think I've got whining down. It's hard to notice under my cute and cuddly facade, and I try to bat my non-existent but Lancome-slathered eyelashes to distract from how annoying I really may be at any given moment, but I generally feel the need to comment, sometimes negatively, on situations I find myself in (see: this blog). So, with that cleared up, let's address this mystery illness I've been the not-so-silent victim of one last (ha!) time.

Things that have gone into my mouth (minus a 'that's what she said' joke) from Monday, May 25th to Monday, June 1st:
  • 3 bowls of cereal
  • 2 spoons of fava beans
  • 1/2 bowl of plain pasta
  • 2 spoons of plain rice
  • 4 pieces of brown toast
  • 1 banana
  • 3 bottles of Gatorade in colors not found in nature
  • 1/2 boiled potato
  • 1 bowl of corn soup
Things that have come back up and out of my mouth since Monday, May 25th:
  • 1 bowl of corn soup
Number of unexpected days taken off work: 3

Total weight loss: 4 kilos

General feeling: Worse than when I had salmonella (o yes, folks, this body is the gift that keeps giving)

Estimated time required to pass before I can handle a similar illness: The next time someone at work suggests ordering (the good) sausage sandwiches.*

*Note, my illness was not the result of (the good) sausage sandwich eating. However, the precarious nature of my stomach is dissuading me from eating anything that hasn't been sterilized. I have no will power, though, and will crumble at the mere suggestion of Manousha. Coworkers, if I've ever wanted you to read this blog (which I never have), NOW IS THE TIME.


Mo-ha-med said...

Focus on the good stuff. Like, weight loss. I don't know you but I'm guessing weight loss is always welcome!

Get well soon!

thingsonmymindgrapes said...

Umm, not really. I think I might look like a 12 year old boy now. My friend says there's a market for that look, but I'm not sure if that's the path I want to take my life in. Just yet.

thingsonmymindgrapes said...

O, and thank you!