April 25, 2009

On being an older sister...

My greatest (read: only) talent is annoying the hell out of my little sister. While she takes my antics in stride, I'm sure there are days when Little One wants to punch me in the face, renounce our sisterhood, and take over my closet space. It's a fine line between what actions of mine she perceives to be hilarious and what clearly isn't, and I think I walked that line two days ago. For example, I:
  • ran an opened can of tuna under her unsuspecting nose (not hilarious)
  • put a whole pineapple on her pillow and tricked her into coming into the room under false pretense, only to have her look at me in shock when she saw it (hilarious)
  • faked my own death when asked to clean Coco's little box (not hilarious)
However, when I strategically maneuvered a hideous, winged insect onto a tissue and released it back into the wild, her only comment was, "thanks, you're the closest thing to a man we have in this house." This, coming from a seven-year younger than me, snot-nosed booger face. Watch your back, Little Jerk. I know where you sleep.

1 comment:

missing bea said...

lol re TUNA. and lol re ananas. you're a man man