April 8, 2009

Prince Pepper Foot

I had dinner with some "friends" last night, and as usual, my many fears, hates and neuroses became the subject of quite an animated discussion. These subjects are of much amusement to the people in my life, and they take complete liberty with throwing what they think to be completely irrational thoughts in my face, all the while tossing their tiny heads back with laughter. One day, I tell them, one day...

After pondering over a number of different scenarios, they group came up with my ideal man. He'd be a cheese-eating, bird-raising, black pepper plantation owner with a foot fetish. So, sir, if you're out there, call me. WINK WINK.


Forsoothsayer said...

i described you to my aunt and she said "ah, di magno ba2a. sebeeha fe 7alha di." i told her i wouldn't.

thingsonmymindgrapes said...

Maybe it's only the people you associate with that think I'm nuts. Probably not though. In any case, thanks for not abandoning me.