May 3, 2009

Color of the season: Sick Yellow

Internet, if you could control the weather, I know you'd have done a better job yesterday. Last Thursday, all pumped up for the weekend, I made plans to have a relaxing Friday by the pool - listening to music, reading an overpriced magazine, and eating so much that I'd leave looking far worse in my bathing suit than I did going in. Plans changed, as they usually do when organizing activities with more than half a person, and the pool date was switched to Saturday.

Woke up yesterday to check the weather, and the forecast read a little like this:

High: 31C, but don't even think about enjoying the day because clouds and gloominess will dampen even the brightest of spirits.

Dejected and forlorn, I spent the next ten hours on the couch YouTube-ing a tv sitcom. The way things are going, I may resort to holding one appendage at a time out the window in an attempt to get some color. Judging by the raised eyebrow from my neighbor who saw me in a skirt yesterday, I'm guessing all-out tanning on the kitchen balcony MIGHT not go over so well.

1 comment:

Forsoothsayer said...

sorry about causing the plan change. bummed that last weekend involved no youness.