May 7, 2009

Surely there are better ways to be productive

Things I did while the internet was down from 9:30 am to 2:45 pm today:
  • Curse the IT guy
  • Watch an old episode of 30 Rock
  • Curse the IT guy
  • Receive multiple text messages from Female J and More Positive Than Your Average Bear asking me if I was still alive and if I'd thrown my computer out the window yet
  • Curse the IT guy
  • Read old e-mails from my boss that I should have been reading over the past week (one of them was actually important - whoops)
  • Curse the IT guy
Let's just say, thank goodness it's Thursday. The thought of having to spend another day in this office without internet makes me want to cut my ears off. I don't know how that's related, but it is DAMMIT.

In other news, I told my coworker that I didn't support the diamond trade yesterday (and after explaining the reasons why, she said, "I guess il hasal hasal!" [whatever happened, happened"]). She informed her husband of my stance on the issue, and he said that if I wasn't interested in buying purses either, he could probably find me a husband. Sorted.

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