June 5, 2009


Today's intellectual conversation (see others here and here), brought to you by Little One and I:

Me: So, do boy cats have nipples?

Little One: Hmm, good question. Don't all mammals have nips?

Me: Well, do zebras have nips?

Little One: I guess so. Male monkeys have nips. Is that just specific to primates, though? YOU'RE specific to primates. *snicker*

Zing. Maybe, but that still doesn't answer my question.


La Gitana said...

they do! My male cat has nipples

The Bedouin Project said...

This conversation makes my head hurt.

thingsonmymindgrapes said...

La Gitana: Good to know! Will relay information.

TBP: Imagine actually being a part of it...

Polka Dotted said...

Yea they do... as far as i remember they got small nipples :D