February 4, 2009

With Conversations Like This...

Over e-mail...

Me: Almost had major spillage disaster!

More Positive Than Your Average Bear: Ooooh! Recovered in time i hope?!

Me: Yes, thankfully. Drinking tea out of a travel mug, and I hit it by accident. Wobbled for what felt like the longest two seconds of my life before coming to a rest.

More Positive Than Your Average Bear: Yipes! Close call!

Is there really any need to state the degree to which it warms my heart to see others using 'yipes'? Also, at times like this, I can't help but wonder how much more productive I could be at my job without needless conversations like the one above. The more thought I give to the matter though, the more I come up with this conclusion: not that much more.

1 comment:

Forsoothsayer said...

that conversation implies a level of boredom i had not thought could exist with sentient beings. we chat way way too much during "work".