March 26, 2009

Jordan You Glad To See Me?

It's my last day in Amman, and my work ethic is non-existent. The only thing I can think about is getting in one last (okay, maybe seven) falafel sandwiches before I go. The restaurant completely gave us the shaft yesterday and refused to pick up, so here's hoping no one's dead (or if someone is, that the delivery service is still working).

Overall, Jordan's been pretty great. Here are some things I won't miss though:
  • Sub-zero (not really) temperatures and freezing rain
  • Not being able to breathe
  • A coin system that makes no sense
  • Over-inquisitive taxi drivers and gift shop workers (no, little 18-year-old married mother of a 2-year-old, I don't have a boyfriend)
Some things I will miss:
  • Being told "Meet you!" after saying "It was nice to meet you" to the boss' wife
  • Watching the secretary clean her boots with Windex
  • Overhearing the secretary tell the guy that cleans the office that mid-falafel eating, she dropped hummos on her seat and when she went to wipe it up, it only got worse
  • Drinking Tang at breakfast and pretending it was one of my daily fruit servings
Okay, off to nag about the falafel. Write you from Cairo!


zoss said...

Maybe you misheard the boss' wife; maybe it was "me too!", not "meet you!" But, most likely she either said "meat, oo!" or "me tool!"

thingsonmymindgrapes said...

I WISH it was "meat, oo!" I often feel like saying that. It was definitely "meet you" though - her English was non-existent. Which raises the question of why I even said "nice to meet you" in the first place, but let's focus on other people being weird...

Forsoothsayer said...

that's what i told her zoss!
yeah dude you're ALWAYS talking english to people who clearly don't speak it. your arabic is fine, use it!