March 1, 2009

Career Change

I spent last night with the usual group of friends at a semi-housewarming party. Over the course of the evening, T-Money and I got to speaking about our current occupations and how we might possibly be in quarter-life crises. Our conversation twisted and turned and took us to far away lands doing obscure jobs. What we realized is that all we want is for our dream jobs to fly in on silver platters and fall into our laps. Is that really too much to ask?

Knee deep into the conversation, Office Traitor (previously Office Savior - yes, you've been demoted...) joined in, and we got to talking about hot dogs, hot dog stands, New York and London. We talked about how crap the hot dogs in London are, and how eating them, or standing anywhere in a three-mile radius, may result in death. Being the bleeding heart that I am, I have decided that I'm going to move to London, set up a proper hot dog stand, and do my social service from there. It's really a win win situation if you think about it. Just don't think too hard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Methinks I need to sample one of them hotdogs to be a proper judge. My big career move involved compiling the biggest album collection possible and writing a best-selling novel... is THAT too much to ask?
- YY